Business Registration - Sole Proprietorship & Partnership up to 5 persons 

Business Registration in Jamaica: Conforming to The Companies Act

Embarking on a new business journey, entering into a partnership or needing to renew your business status in Jamaica? Get familiar with the business registration process which is guided by the Companies Act of Jamaica. Every business operating here falls under this act, ensuring compliance and providing validation for your enterprise.

Let's detail the process for each business setup below:

New Business Registration

Setting up a new business in Jamaica is an exciting venture. Step one in this entrepreneurial journey is getting your business registered. This not only gives your operation legal clearance under the Companies Act of Jamaica but also positions it among the growing number of professionally recognized businesses in the market.

Advantages of a new business registration:


Entering into a business partnership? We're here to guide you through the process. Registering your partnership ensures legal recognition for your conglomerate under the Companies Act. This avenue is perfect for those who wish to pool resources and skills towards a shared business objective.

Perks of registering a partnership:


Securing your business or partnership's position in the economic landscape involves consistent renewals. These ensure continuous compliance with the evolving legal and economic policies under the Companies Act of Jamaica.

Why renew:

Launching and maintaining a successful business venture in Jamaica involves these crucial steps. Register your business or partnership today and strive for continual compliance through timely renewals in adherence to the Companies Act. Let's work together to make your business a legal and thriving endeavour.

We kindly request you to complete this form to begin the process.

Choose Freelancing Services Agency for your Business Registrations and Renewals

When it comes to business registrations and renewals in Jamaica, navigating the intricacies of sole proprietorships and partnerships can be complicated. That's where Freelancing Services Agency comes in. We provide unparalleled, expert guidance throughout the process, delivering personalized assistance to ensure the seamless functioning of your business.

Why should you choose Freelancing Services Agency?

One-on-One Guidance

We offer singular, undivided attention to your business registration needs. Our one-on-one approach ensures that every aspect of your business registration or renewal process is handled with exceptional accuracy and professionalism.

Extensive Knowledge

Our extensive understanding of sole proprietorships, partnerships, and their respective renewal processes under the Companies Act of Jamaica guarantees that your business conforms to all legal requirements, without you having to stress over the complexities.


Time is a resource, and we respect yours. Our streamlined process ensures your business registrations and renewals are done efficiently, allowing you to focus on other aspects of your business.


By eliminating the need for a large team and overhead costs, we provide cost-effective solutions that deliver the highest quality results at an affordable price.

Up-to-date on Policies

Laws and regulations constantly evolve. We stay on top of these changes and ensure your business is always in compliance with the latest requirements.

Act Now for Business Success

Choosing Freelancing Services Agency, you're not just choosing a service provider but a partner dedicated to the success of your business. Whether you're setting up a partnership, establishing a sole proprietorship, or in need of renewal services, we've got you covered.

Take the next step towards your business success today! Commence your journey with Freelancing Services Agency and experience a stress-free, reliable, and competent service tailored just for you. Remember - your business is our priority. 

Get started by completing the form above.

Discover the Freelancing Services Agency Advantage: Check Out Our Rave Customer Reviews

In today's fast-paced business world, customers rely on genuine reviews to evaluate a company's worth. The glowing reviews from our satisfied clients stand as testament to the quality, efficiency, and dedication of Freelancing Services Agency. Here's what our customers have to say about our top-notch services!

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By showcasing authentic reviews, we offer potential clients the opportunity to:

A Glimpse of Our Satisfied Customers' Reviews


"Outstanding services! Their personalized approach and expertise made the business registration process a breeze. Freelancing Services Agency is the go-to for any business needs!"

— Sarah Williams, Owner of TechEnterprise


"Freelancing Services Agency guided us through the partnership registration process with ease. Their professionalism, attention to detail, and cost-effective solutions made our experience enjoyable and stress-free!"

— Mark Taylor, Co-founder of Green Solutions


"Always up-to-date on legal requirements, Freelancing Services Agency made our business renewal process hassle-free and quick. I highly recommend them to anyone in need of competent, reliable, and affordable assistance!"

— Emily Johnson, Owner of StyleHub

Become One of Our Raving Fans

These customer reviews are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the exceptional experiences we can provide. Let Freelancing Services Agency prove to you why we're the best choice for all of your business registration and renewal needs.

Ready to join our growing list of satisfied customers? Get in touch with Freelancing Services Agency today and start your journey toward a smooth, professional, and successful business experience. We're confident that you'll be eager to share your own sparkling review!

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) - Registering Businesses in Jamaica

I. Introduction

Welcome to our FAQ section where we aim to answer all your burning questions about registering businesses in Jamaica. Understanding the intricacies of the process is crucial for the successful establishment and ongoing operations of your business.

II. FAQ 1: How can Freelancing Services Agency help with business registration in Jamaica?

A. We take over the often tedious registration process on your behalf—handling documentation, ensuring compliance with local regulations, and liaising with the Companies Office of Jamaica. We strive to make business registration seamless and stress-free for every client.

III. FAQ 2: Are your services available to foreigners wanting to start a business in Jamaica?

A. Yes, Freelancing Services Agency is dedicated to assisting both residents and non-residents in setting up a business in Jamaica. We understand the additional challenges non-residents may face and are here to streamline the process for them.

IV. FAQ 3: How does Freelancing Services Agency manage the business registration renewal process?

A. We make sure your business stays compliant by notifying you ahead of each renewal period and taking care of all the renewal related tasks on your behalf.

V.FAQ 4: Can Freelancing Services Agency help with the registration of all types of businesses in Jamaica?

A. Yes, we deal with the registration of all types of businesses — from sole proprietorships and partnerships to limited liability companies. Our expertise spans across various business forms, enabling us to provide comprehensive registration services.

VI. FAQ 5: How can I benefit from outsourcing the registration process to Freelancing Services Agency?

A. Outsourcing this process to us means you can focus more on other aspects of your business. You also gain peace of mind knowing that we're handling all compliance-related matters. You save valuable time and resources, which you can dedicate towards growing your business.

VII. FAQ 6: What makes Freelancing Services Agency's registration services better than others?

A. Our deep understanding of the business registration process combined with our commitment to offering personalized service sets us apart. We aim to make your registration process as smooth as possible and are always available to address your queries or concerns.

VIII. FAQ 7: Can Freelancing Services Agency help with online business registration?

A. Absolutely, Freelancing Services Agency is adept at handling online registrations. We guide you through the digital process to help you get your business registered in the most convenient way possible.

IX. FAQ 8: How does Freelancing Services Agency handle business name registration or changes?

A. At Freelancing Services Agency, we understand that choosing the perfect business name can be a daunting task, and we're here to support you every step of the way. We provide a unique service where we present to you 200 potential business names tailored to your brand and industry as a starting point for your decision-making process. Once you've decided on your business name, we register it in compliance with Jamaica's relevant laws. And if there comes a time when you wish to change an existing business name, we facilitate this process ensuring a smooth transition with minimum disruption.

X. FAQ 9: Does Freelancing Services Agency provide after-registration support?

A. Yes, our relationship with clients extends beyond the registration process. We continue to provide necessary business support and guidance as required.

X. FAQ 9: Can Freelancing Services Agency assist with tax-related registration?

A. Yes, part of our comprehensive business registration service includes handling all tax-related matters. We ensure your new business is registered with the Tax Administration Jamaica (TAJ) and equipped to fulfill all fiscal obligations.

XI. FAQ 10: How does Freelancing Services Agency ensure compliance with Jamaica’s Anti-Money Laundering regulations?

A. As part of our services, we provide expert guidance to ensure your business is entirely compliant with Jamaica’s Anti-Money Laundering (AML) regulations. We assist with the formulation of compliance policies and the necessary training of your staff on AML strategies.

XII. FAQ 11: What is the timeline for completing the business registration process with Freelancing Services Agency?

A. At Freelancing Services Agency, we are committed to delivering a prompt and efficient business registration experience. While the exact timeline for each case may vary depending on specific circumstances, our extensive experience and streamlined processes typically allow us to complete business registrations within a matter of weeks. Throughout this period, we remain dedicated to expediting the process without compromising on the meticulous attention to detail required for a successful registration.

It is crucial to be aware of the two primary timelines involved in the registration process:

Name Approval Timeline:

The initial phase involves the approval of your chosen business name, which is subject to the discretion of the Companies Office of Jamaica (COJ). While we aim to expedite this step, it is important to allow a maximum of 5 business days for COJ's evaluation. Please note that the approval period is strictly at the discretion of COJ.

Business Registration Timeline:

The subsequent step involves the actual registration of your business, which may take anywhere between 5 to 30 business days. Once again, it is essential to emphasize that this timeline is solely determined by COJ Jamaica, as they are currently facing challenges with backlogs in their processing.

Furthermore, once your business certificate is ready for pickup, we strive to ensure a swift delivery process. We collaborate with trusted partners such as Knutsford and Zipmail for deliveries, which are scheduled exclusively on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays during business days. You will be promptly notified when your certificate is ready, and we commit to delivering it within 5 business days of receiving such notification.

XIII. FAQ 12: Does Freelancing Services Agency handle the registration of non-profit organizations?

A. Certainly! Freelancing Services Agency supports the establishment of all types of organizations. If you're looking to start a non-profit in Jamaica, we can guide you through every step of the registration process.

XIV. FAQ 13: Can Freelancing Services Agency provide an overview of the costs associated with business registration in Jamaica?

A. Absolutely. At Freelancing Services Agency, we strive to maintain transparency. We provide a detailed breakdown of all expected costs upfront, which includes registration fees, our service charges, and any additional expenses that may arise during the registration process.

XV. FAQ 14: Can Freelancing Services Agency help if there are issues with the business registration process?

A. Absolutely. Our team is equipped to navigate any hurdles that may arise during the registration process. We are committed to resolving issues quickly and efficiently to ensure the smooth establishment of your business.

XVI. FAQ 15: Does Freelancing Services Agency handle intellectual property registration?

A. Yes, we provide comprehensive support for securing intellectual property rights. From trademark and copyright registration to patent filing, our team ensures your business is protected in all regards.

XVII. FAQ 16: What identification (ID) documents are required by Freelancing Services Agency, and how can they be submitted? 

A. At Freelancing Services Agency, we take pride in upholding uncompromising security standards and strict compliance with all legal requisites. Thus, we boldly emphasize that you must provide up-to-date and valid ID documentation as part of our stringent verification process.

You are welcome to submit any one of the following accepted forms of updated identification:

To ensure an efficient process, we insist on the comprehensive submission of both the front and back sides of the ID, as applicable (e.g., for driver's license and voter's ID). This uncompromising approach guarantees the accuracy of our records and underpins our unwavering commitment to fulfilling all essential legal obligations.

It is essential to note that ID documents issued within the last two months are deemed invalid for our verification process. As such, we firmly urge you to renew your ID and resubmit it promptly to avoid any potential declination or delays.

Rest assured, your trust is not misplaced, as we strictly abide by a "no retention" policy. Once your original certificate is obtained, we promptly and securely delete all submitted information from our systems. Consequently, should you require our services in the future, it is imperative that you resubmit your updated credentials.

Your personal information will be treated with the utmost confidentiality, safeguarded by robust security measures that protect your data from any unauthorized access.

Should you require further information or have any queries pertaining to the submission of ID documents, please do not hesitate to confidently contact our dedicated team of experts. We remain steadfast in our commitment to delivering exceptional service, ensuring that your experience with Freelancing Services Agency is characterized by unwavering professionalism and a seamless journey throughout your business endeavors.